A data-driven platform for rights and licensing of book collections

The Frankfurt Book Fair is one of Europe's largest book fairs. Partnering with Shift Agency, I helped create a sub-brand and new web presence for German Stories, a platform for accessing rights and licensing for German books.

The project's challenge was to organize vast amounts of information coherently. To simplify data management and maintain consistency, we developed a framework with dynamically generated data from preset sets. Editors enter data once, and website modules automatically pull the necessary information from these predefined sets.


Frankfurt Bookfair


UI | UX | DesignOps | Moderator


Together with the team from Frankfurter Buchmesse we created a map of dataset, displaying the architecture and connections of all the content available.


The data columns were then mapped to various modules throughout the site, where the data had to be implemented dynamically without an editor.


To save time we created quick sketch wireframes on a tablet, using them to quickly discuss and reiterate with the client.


The existing pattern library for the Frankfurter Buchmesse was carefully adjusted to reflect the subbrand "German Stories", while new modules were added.


The result is a clean and readable design for all devices.


Through the use of global spacings, fontstyles and colours we managed to keep the load of information visually ordered


Some modules were adjusted for mobile breakpoints to display less data at a glance to keep the site from feeling overloaded.
